Senior Driving
As the general population ages so rise the number of geriatric drivers on the road. But who is to say what age or condition does a driver become unsafe? Senior driving causes many accidents.
I’m sure dad remembers his 67 stingrays, and though he no longer drives pedal to the metal, it still may be time to hand over the keys for good. Did you know collision rates for people over 70, is higher than all but teenage drivers?
Dad loves to drive and not driving would be giving up independence and freedom, here are a few things to consider when making this decision,
- hearing problems make it difficult to hear horns sirens or other hazards
- Many seniors take medications that have side effects such as dizziness blurred vision, shakiness and depth perception.
- As we age our response time increases, impaired motor skills can make it hard to move from pedal to pedal.
- Damage to the vehicle can be telling small dents in the car or other objects such as mailboxes or garage doors.
Some doctors say some people with early onset Alzheimer disease pose no risk, due to the slow progression of the disease while others say a diagnosis of dementia alone is enough to declare one unsafe. As a last resort and if dad refuses, Call the DMV
44 states allow a doctor of a family member to report someone to DMV officials anonymously. In 6 states doctors are required to report a person they believe can no longer drive safely.
ActiveCare Staff, Sacramento Ca